by Christian Oliver | Apr 4, 2016 | blog
Please see the Power Point presentation on RNP 2 for enroute authorizations DUAL GNSS LRNS are required. View the Powerpoint presentation by clicking on the link: RNP 2 Preview and Pending...
by Christian Oliver | Feb 10, 2016 | blog
Update for Oceanic & International Operations Manual: NAT HLA Doc 007 Please click on link to download. 2015 and 2016 Editions of the RVSM & SAO Airspace Versions are not affected by this update. NAT Doc 007 North Atlantic Airspace & Operations Manual...
by Christian Oliver | Feb 4, 2016 | blog
Update: as of February 4th, 2016, the term MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Standard is now referred to as NAT-HLA North Atlantic High-Level Airspace. For more information, please click on the following link: NAT-HLA North Atlantic High-Level Airspace Update
by Christian Oliver | Jan 15, 2016 | blog
See the Regulatory Equipage Compliance Mandates here: Regulatory Mandate Time Lines FANS 1A, Data Link, ADS-B, & TCAS II 7.1 Options: NAT Data Link Requirement Update 2015 Options Mandates requiring business jet operators that fly to Europe to equip their aircraft...
by Christian Oliver | Jan 12, 2016 | blog
TCAS II 7.1 is now required in the EU states. Please view the Powerpoint presentation for more information:...