by Christian Oliver | Feb 11, 2018 | blog
The FAA at the US State Department’s request, has added additional requirements for current holders’ of LOA/OpSpec A056 CPDLC & ADS-C for Performance Based Communication Surveillance. New applications are more in-depth and all current holders must...
by Christian Oliver | Nov 7, 2017 | blog
Preparing for European Ramp Inspections Knowing the EASA rules and documenting compliance makes SAFA ramp inspections go more smoothly. November 7, 2017 Note – This affects all Europe, EASA Member States, China, India, and is an ICAO requirement for all ICAO...
by Christian Oliver | Nov 18, 2016 | blog
EFB, MS Tablet, & iPad legal briefing – what pilots need to know The FAA has requirements for 14 CFR 91 Owners and Operators for “Paperless” cockpits for best practice and ensuring the FAA requirements are met, Owners and Operators are required to...
by Christian Oliver | Jul 22, 2016 | blog
UPDATED 08/22/2016: Excerpt from FAA Order 8900.1 Volume 4, Chapter 10, Section 1 RVSM Program Evaluation and FAA Approval: The guidelines set in this chapter do not negate or cause the reevaluation of any previously issued RVSM authorizations. Instead, the procedures...
by Christian Oliver | Jun 24, 2016 | blog
This guidance information is for operators of foreign registered aircraft on the new requirements for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) installation and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) 1 and 2 Navigation Specifications (Nav Spec). Australia CASA...