1. Webpage: Gulf of Mexico 50 NM Lateral Separation / RNAV Routes Project Webpage: Policy, Procedures and Guidance for Operators and Regulators
Information on plans, policies and procedures for 50 NM lateral separation is posted on the “Gulf of Mexico 50 NM Lateral Separation / RNAV Routes Project Web Page”:
The web page contains detailed guidance on operator and aircraft authorization for RNP 10 or RNP 4 and includes Job Aids with FAA and ICAO document references.
2. Lateral Separation Minima To Be Applied Outside Radar Coverage
• 50 NM lateral separation will continue to be applied in the GoMex CTA’s between aircraft authorized RNP 10 or RNP 4 at all altitudes above the published MEA.
• A lateral separation minima of 100 NM in the Houston, Monterrey and Merida CTAs, and 90 NM in the Miami Oceanic CTA will continue to be applied between aircraft not authorized RNP 10 or RNP 4.
3. Operation on Routes on the periphery of the Gulf of Mexico CTAs
Operations on certain routes that fall within the boundaries of affected CTAs will not be affected by the introduction of 50 NM lateral separation. Operation on the following routes is not affected:
a. Routes that are flown by reference to ICAO standard ground-based navigation aids (VOR, VOR/DME, NDB).
b. Special Area Navigation (RNAV) routes Q100, Q102 and Q105 in the Houston, Jacksonville and Miami CTA’s.
4. Provisions for Accommodation of NonRNP10 Aircraft (Aircraft Not Authorized RNP 10 or RNP 4). Operators of NonRNP10 aircraft shall follow the practices detailed in the paragraphs below.
a. When filing an ICAO flight plan under NEW ICAO FPL 2012 provisions, operators of NonRNP10 aircraft shall annotate ICAO flight plan Item 18 as follows:
First remark, if possible: “RMK/NONRNP10” (no space between letters and
Note: as of 15 November 2012 at 0000 UTC, the NEW ICAO FPL 2012 flight plan format and entries must be used. (See page 2).
b. Prior to departure (no earlier than two hours prior), the operator shall call the Houston Center Operational Supervisor at +1-281-230-5552 with: (1) Call sign (2) Estimated time of entry into the Houston Oceanic Control Area (3) Planned route of flight through Gulf of Mexico airspace.
c. Pilots of NonRNP10 aircraft that operate in GoMex CTA’s shall report the lack of authorization by stating “Negative RNP 10”:
• on initial call to ATC in a GoMex CTA; or…
• when approval status is requested by the controller. (See paragraph 8e below).
d. Operators of NonRNP10 aircraft shall not indicate RNP 10 or RNP 4 capabilities in ICAO flight plan Item 18 (Other Information) if they have not obtained RNP 10 or RNP 4 authorization.
e. NonRNP10 operators/aircraft may file any route at any altitude in a GoMex CTA. They will be cleared to operate on their preferred routes and altitudes as traffic permits. 50 NM lateral separation will not be applied to NonRNP10 aircraft.
f. NonRNP10 aircraft should plan on completing their climb to or descent from higher FLs within radar coverage, if possible.
For our Oceanic & International Ops Man Subscribers, Please download attachment and remove and replace in Appendix 9.
More Information: 6a._FAA_Notice-GoMex_Ops_Policy_Update_2012-Dec_03